
Fur, Feathers and Fins Agricultural Petting Zoo

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Blog posts : "General"

Geraniums: Sun or Shade?

These two Geraniums are different colors, but they live in the same size of pot, and came from the same 'end of season sale' ($0.99!) in late spring this year. 

The difference is that one on the right has always lived inside on the bathroom counter. The other spent the summer outside on the porc…

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Saving Stuff for 'Crafts'

Are you guilty of this? You know that depression-era need to hoard everything for a rainy day? I think the concept worked well in the depression because people literally didn't have anything, but now in the affluent 21st century where a lot of us now live, storing up random bits of stuff is not as g…

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When to Call For Help

Farmers are innovative, self motivated people who can problem solve like engineers. Much of the time, they can fix what's broken, and run their farms without a lot of outside help. There are certain things where farmers call in the experts though. This includes feed specialists who help balance the …

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Debunking a Few Myths About Dairy Calves - Petition Part 2

So we’re back to discuss the article asking everyone to boycott the evil dairy farmers.

If you haven’t seen the actual article, it is here.…

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The Real Story on Dairy Cows - Or Why You Should Check Your Facts Before You Start a Petition

So months ago, I signed some sort of worthy petition that I don’t even remember the content of, and am now ‘on the mailing list’. This means I regularly get notices of new petitions from Usually they are worthy causes, though I have not signed one since the initial one that got me on the…

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The Three Reasons Why We Don't Mow Our Lawn

The picture that accompanies this post is looking out my back window this afternoon. The glare from the window makes it a not so great picture, but you get the idea. I heard their hoofbeats before I saw them, but I’m not worried, because yes, they are supposed to be at the back of my house.


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New Zealand Rabbits

New Zealands are a breed of rabbit, who despite their name, are American Made. They were developed in the early 1900’s, from many different breeds such as Angoras, Belgian Hares and Flemish Giants

They are currently recognized by ARBA in three colors, White, Red, Black. There is also a variety …

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High Winds in Richmond

Last Saturday, we were invited to take the petting zoo to the Richmond branch of the Toronto Dominion Bank. We had a great time, but learned a few new things about how to secure our equipment in high winds. Basically, the concept is to use all available resources.

See, Friday night was windy here…

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Our First Blog Post

Hi everyone,

This is just a quick note to say that we have now started a blog. Wow, isn't that cool. This will be the place to learn more about agriculture, good food, family fun, and healthy living. We hope you enjoy it and will come back for more again and again.

9 blog posts